What would you like to see in a update?

Hey all, now that we've launched Mini Monsters on Itch (still waiting on catalog), ive started compiling a list of possible features to add or things to change for a future-ish update. I would love to hear from you all what you think could make it better!

Two things I would like to add is:
- Changing the clock to be over any border, instead of restricting it to its own border.
- A battery display to monitor

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Random/crazy ideas 👀

- Itens to decorate the pet and the room, or itens that he can play
- More games, pets and foods
- Marriage?
- A mini pet that our mini monster could adopt
- Use the crank to pet the mini monster and speak in the mic to talk to the monster (increases happiness)
- Crank/shake could be implemented in more functions such as petting, bathing or games
- It could be more obvious what the pet needs. I don't always understand what he wants
- Mini speech balloons? So we can see what he wants, thinks, etc
- Also, I don't quite understand when I should put the monster to sleep, maybe I'm missing something?
- More random things he does in the room, like jumping, running, laughing, I don't know.
- We could set our name, so when he needs something he can call us.

That's it! hehe 😊

Sorry, I love tamagotchis and I know that many of these ideas are very difficult, but here it is hahahaha Anyway, the game is already super cute and fun 💙

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Oh wow, great feedback! :)

So funnily enough half of what you said I had slated for this game but ended up shelving for a second more complex pet game later once I got further along and realized how much work it was lol. This game definetly ended up being very much a tamagachi original omage.

Some thing's I left for the user to figure out like the original, but it also seems that its just as confusing now as than. I can do some extra things to show what the monster currently wants.

Honestly I like pretty much everything you said, I just gotta think on how and if I can make it possible.
Not pets for the pet, or marriage though. My codebase just can't support that and I need some extra cash to buy the new tamagachis to study lol!

Stay posted, I will be making a post on reddit and here in the next weekish or less going over everything I plan to add, or already added for the next update.

Thank you!! 😊

I forgot to answer the sleep question. It goes to sleep at 10pm and wakes up at 10am, I will be adding instructions in game that hopefully will clear this up

Aaaaa okay!! Thanks!! 😊

A pause function and a way to increase heart gain for those moments where you don't have a ton of time. =] 


Love it. 100% adding in the pause function. Im currently musing how I could add a way to gain hearts faster without trivializing it entirely. Maybe a extra game that is harder, but will restore 2 hearts instead of 1.

Could also be an unlockable? Something you earn over time. I also like how the Digimon Pendulum handles the concept: if you ace a minigame, it gives you max hearts. 


Unlockables is something I had in my list from the beginning but just couldn’t figure out how I’d work it in while maintaining the old school look and feel. I opted that I would have unlockables in my next pet game.

Doing the mini game perfectly maxing hearts I really really love. That may be what I do. I only had the digimin 20th anniversary and X. That’s a cool feature.