Potential Month Roller Over Bug

Attention all Mini Monster 1.0 players. I discovered a potential bug in the game today while I was working on update 1.1 that seems to be related to rolling over from May to June Month. 

I discovered a small problem in how I handled the math calculating time passed between months, and (atleast on my active pet) all the counters keeping track of your pets next need of attention to incorrectly get updated to a negative number, essentially making it so the game thinks you need alot of hours to pass which should not be the case.

For me the update caused the time to go into -6247 minutes until next attention update.
What this means for active players is that, until 6247/60 = 104 hours must now pass before your monster begins to update and grow correctly again. If you wait and keep playing it will fix itself in ~4-5 days. In this time it should end up needing no care, but will also not evolve in the normal time.

Currently the solutions to this are to just live with it not updating correctly for 5ish days, or just restart the game.

Im rushing out the fix in update 1.1 as this bug cannot trigger for atleast another month now. But I will try to get it out by monday even if its missing a few things, that way I can atleast adjust the bugged times back to 0 to reset the timers essentially.

Im so sorry for this bug. I play tested to hell and back, but testing a month roll over is extremely hard as I cant seem to change the playdates date. I had to set up a whole new environment just to identify this being the problem.

Once again, this wont break your current game. And will essentially give you multiple days of free aging with 0 consequence, however not fun that may be :(

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